Sunday, February 22, 2009


I was sitting on the couch tonight & my shirt was sort of up a bit so you could see just a little tiny part of my stomach. Porter asked if he could see my belly button so I showed him. Then it took a turn for the worse when out of his mouth came, "Mom, can I see your nipples? I won't break them."


Blair was explaining what a plant-eating dinosaur was to Porter, telling him that they eat plants, leaves, trees, etc.
Porter said, "...and sidewalks?"

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bob the Builder, of course.

On the way home tonight, I hear from the back seat, "Mom, who makes all the cars?"
Before I could even answer...
"Probably Bob the Builder."
Yes, you are probably right!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Good guy.

Tonight as we were leaving daycare, Abby wanted to give Porter a kiss. Never one to turn down love, he happily agreed. Then wanting to return the favor, he told Abby now he wanted to give her a kiss. She had changed her tune by then & turned her cheek the other way with a resounding, "Nooooo! I don't want toooooo."
Porter looked at her & said, "But I'm a good guy."
Indeed you are, my little man.
One of the other dads at daycare said, "You know how many times I've used that line???"
Oh. Porter. You. Are. The. Sweetest.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Maker.

Tonight we had our friends Tara & Liesel Werch (who was in town from Milwaukee) over for dinner. At the table, everyone was talking about how good the dinner was. (No, really they were!) Someone asked Porter who made the dinner to which Porter replied, "She did" and pointed to me.
Then he said, "She's the best maker."

Tara & Liesel didn't get away tonight without Porter insisting they play "scarves" with him!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Today P & I were headed to the library & we had been in the car about 10 minutes when from the back seat I hear "Mom, this is taking F.O.R.E.V.E.R."
It was like I had jumped ahead 10 years & suddenly had a teenager sitting back there.

Handprints on my heart.

Gammy Jan made the cutest thing as a surprise for me for Valentines Day. Check out these cool canvases with each of "my boys" handprints painted on! Together they make the coolest wall hanging. Totally impressive!

Friday, February 13, 2009

The little things.

Porter & I were holding hands today in the garage on the way to the car. Porter said, "I love you holding my hand...and you love me holding your hand."
I wanted to remember this because I know one day, you won't want to hold my hand anymore, my sweet boy.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mr. Manners

Porter woke up in the middle of the night, crying & upset. I wasn't sure what was wrong so I pulled him onto my lap. I asked him if he was cold & he said yes. I pulled a blanket over him & held him close for a few minutes.
He said, "Thank you, Mama."

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Say what?

Today Porter & I were grocery shopping when all of a sudden he says to me,
"Hey Mama! That looked liked Barack Obama!"
I'm sure my head spun around...Here? At Cub Foods?
I never went back so to this day I don't know what he saw. I don't know if it was a person, a sign, a photo.
From the mouths of babes...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy birthday, Lilah!

One of Porter's best friends at daycare is Lilah & she turned 3 today! We were invited to her birthday part at the Eagles Nest indoor playground. We had a great time. It was a great place for the kids to burn off some of that cooped up winter energy!

Cool treehouse!

A slide just his size.

Porter LOVED the ball pit.

Where's Porter?

The birthday girl herself! Happy birthday, Lilah!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I love you, Part 2

Same thing to Daddy today out of the blue...
"Daddy? I love you."