Sunday, August 30, 2009

Photo Shoot!!

We met up with our favorite photog, Megan Gill today at Minnehaha Falls Park for some updated family photos. Here are some highlights...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Summer fun!

When all else fails & there's nothing else to do, get yourself a couple of squirt guns & the fun never ends...These two had a blast!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Daddy was able to get some tickets to the PGA tour while in MN this weekend & he took Porter along for their very first "boys day." Daddy had 4 tickets, so he also took along some of Porter's favorites: Chad Pratt, Tim Klug & Jeff Davidman or as Porter calls him "Ella's Daddy." Apparently they had a grand time! They weren't allowed to take their cell phones so the whole day I kept wondering how they were doing. They left our place around 10am & didn't get back until after 6pm! Blair said Porter could not have been better behaved & that he was so glad he took him. Knutson Construction was generous enough to offer them tickets for the tent that they sponsored, which turned out to be right in front of the first tee. They had a great view & got to see Tiger Woods twice!
What a great day & great memory for Porter & Daddy.

Ready to go!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

McGee x 3.

This weekend we went to (my cousin) Peter & Alisha McGee's house for a BBQ & get together. Nana & Papa were in town & we had a van, so everyone could go! Porter got to play with cousin Connor who is 3 just like him. My Aunt & Uncle Bob & Kathy McGee were also in town for the weekend, so it was great to also see them. Finally, a surprise visit from (my other cousin) Tyler McGee & his wife Candice & there brand new baby Oona made the visit complete.
Connor has a brand new swingset that he was happy to share with Porter, who loved it. There was even a rock climbing wall! We all had a great time & it was so nice to see the McGee families...all three!

Baby Oona!

Cousin Andrew is getting sooo big!

Tyler sat at the kid's table with Porter...Porter laughed more than he ate that night! They had a great time!

Connor also has this cool Jeep that we tried to get to work, but alas, it didn't go.

"Hey, how do you think we can get this thing to run?"

Saturday, August 8, 2009

From the mouths of babes...

"Mama, you're my sweetie & Daddy is my honey."

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Aunt Tilly took Porter to the Science Museum yesterday for a little one-on-one time & they found these cool dinosaur capsules. You know the put them in water & watch them open up into dinosaur-shaped sponges. We've had these before & usually they don't work the best. This time, they did. And what fun they brought to our Sunday morning. A very early Sunday morning I might add. Thanks, Aunt Tilly!