Saturday, October 31, 2009


This year, Porter wanted to be "Woody" from Toy Story & Daddy found the cutest costume online for him. Is he not the cutest coyboy you've ever seen?

We had a van rented for the weekend, so we decided to head over to Minnetonka where Gammy & Bapa Robb live to go tricking in Daddy's old neighborhood. It was cold this year, but that didn't phase Woody. We marched around from house to house without skipping a beat.

There were a ton of houses all decked out for Halloween. We saw a lot of cool pumpkins...including a Mr. Potato Head one!

There was a beautiful full moon, which was just so fitting for the festivities...It lite the way for us it was so bright. Unfortunately, my photo didn't do it justice!


Sunday, October 18, 2009

One last trip... the PARK! It was a beautiful fall morning, so Porter & I headed to the park for one last time before Old Man Winter rears his head. Porter had a blast & I got a bunch of great pictures!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Let's go to the movies!

Blair & I took Porter to see his very first movie in the theater today. Toy Story was back in the theaters, in 3D & with previews of Toy Story 3, coming out next summer. Porter did very well & (for the most part) sat through the entire thing. The 3D glasses threw him off a bit & he kept talking about how "dark it is" in the theater, but all in all, it was a great family day!

Porter even wore his Woody hat from his Halloween costume!

What are these 3D glasses all about, anyway?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

To the dentist we go!

Today was Porter's first dentist appointment. He did so great! He just marched in there & jumped up into that chair like he'd been doing it all his life! I was so proud of him. They counted & cleaned his teeth & said they looked great. Dr. Dave was the dentist & he was so great with him. "He wore funny glasses" as Porter will tell you. What a big boy we have!

Outside the front door...

I'm ready!

He got to wear cool sunglasses to protect his eyes from the bright light.

I couldn't believe how still he sat there with his mouth wide open.

Playing a game while waiting for Dr. Dave to come in.

Picking a prize from the treat bucket after he's all done!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Happy birthday, Hailey!

Porter & I went to Hailey Gust's 4th birthday party today. The Gusts always know how to throw a party...the house is always full with lots of friends & family & they always make everyone feel welcome. They did a pinata this year which was fun. Porter didn't want to take a turn for some reason, but the other kids had a great time. Darcie always does great grab bags...the hot items this year were metals & whistles. What fun! Happy 4th birthday, Hailey! Porter is about to catch up!

Proudly wearing his metal...

Porter liked riding Hailey's scooter best of all!