Sunday, January 31, 2010

Captain America!

We've been totally into the Super Hero Squad at our house lately & tonight while visiting Gammy & Bapa Robb, he was CAPTAIN AMERICA...complete with the cool shield Bapa made for him!

Lego Land!

We ventured out to the Mall of America on this cold Sunday for a change of scenary...first stop, LEGO LAND. Porter had fun looking at all the lifesize Lego creations & even built a few things himself. We purchased a few Lego sets, even though the age recommendations were 6 & up. We thought it might be something he & Daddy could do together. We'll see how this goes...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Happy birthday, Ella!

Our friend Ella Davidman turned four this past week & celebrated with a birthday party at The Little Gym. It was a great little place which was exactly what it sounds like: a little gym for kids. There were two instructors who engaged the kids in a class for an hour. Today, however, Porter wasn't having it. I'm not sure what it was, but he wanted NO PART in participating. He sat next to me on the floor the entire time. Oh well, we had fun 'watching' the others have fun! At the end of the class, the kids had some "free time" in the gym & then...of course THEN...Porter decided to check things out. All in all, it was a fun afternoon & it's always fun to check out new places. Maybe next time, he'll actually leave my lap!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Walk Tall.

The flu went through daycare this week, starting with Porter, so I stayed home with him yesterday & today he still wasn’t 100% himself, so Gammy Jan came over to help Daddy take care of him. Daddy had therapy that day & Gammy was planning on driving him, so this meant that today Porter got to go too! He got to witness Daddy stand at therapy for the first time & was very excited about it. The next day at daycare, he was telling Anne about it & he said “My Daddy is really tall.” Never occurred to me that he’s never seen Daddy stand up before & probably doesn’t realize how tall he actually is.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Brave Little Monster.

I took Porter to get his flu shot today & he did so well. I told him I was so proud of him for being such a brave boy & not even crying. He said, “Well, Mama….I cried inside a little bit.”

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sledding galore!

I decided to take Porter out for a little fresh air & sledding in the yard of the condo this afternoon. Even though it’s the world’s smallest hill, what fun he had!

After sledding, what better way to warm up than with some HOT CHOCOLATE??!! This was Porter’s first experience with this fun beverage...I think he enjoyed it. Especially the marshmellows!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Big Catch.

Since it was Daddy’s birthday this past week, Auntie Kendra ordered LIVE LOBSTERS for dinner to help celebrate. Porter wasn’t quite sure what to think of them…..but they sure were delicious!

Happy 35th birthday, Daddy!!!

Derek’s birthday

We were invited to our little friend Derek’s birthday party today at our friends The Gusts home. They always have the best parties…lots of people…good food…Porter always has a blast playing with Derek & Hailey & pretending to pet Bosco, their “giant white dog.” They had a pinata again, which is always a big hit. Only this time, it was too cold for the garage, so the living room worked just fine!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I bought a new lens for my camera today, so I was trying it out on my two favorite subjects.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy birthday, Daddy!

This morning, Porter & I surprised Daddy with a candle-clad cupcake & a serenade of “Happy Birthday” before we left for daycare.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


We finished up Daddy's cake tonight...PROJECT CAKE FINISHED!


Monday, January 11, 2010

Bake me a cake….as fast as you can.

Daddy’s birthday is coming…Time to make our annual birthday cake for him!