Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Why oh Why...

To my little boy,
Why...oh why...won't you go to sleep at night? Can you tell me why? Daddy & I have tried everything & nothing seems to work. NOTH-ING. We are at our wits end! We're soooooooooooooo sick of the two hour fight every. single. night. I go to bed feeling so guilty because every night I loose my cool with you & then after you finally DO fall asleep, I regret everything I said or did when loosing it. You wake up in the morning & our sweet little boy is back again.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sledding party!

Our friend Lilah at daycare also had a birthday this week & she celebrated with a sledding party in St. Paul! It was a beautiful day for it. The sun came out, it wasn't too cold & we had just received a fresh snow fall the day before! You can't ask for much more than that. The kids had a blast & I was able to capture some great pictures...

Bowling party!

Our daycare friend Keo had a bowling birthday party today, so Porter & I checked it out. Porter had never been bowling before, but HE LOVED IT! And I might add, was very good at it. They put the bumpers up & put out little stands for the boys to roll the ball off & voila! Big time bowlers! Porter even got a strike! He had a blast & wants to go back! Hmmm...I'm sensing another winter indoor activity option...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Big kid legos...Take One.

Daddy & Porter tried their hand at the first "big kid" lego set tonight. It went surprisingly well. Porter was very patient & sat at the table with Daddy & followed his instructions. It kept them occupied for over an hour! I was very proud of him & was happy we may have found a new winter indoor activity...