Saturday, May 29, 2010


We met some of our favorite people, the Klug family, at the Minnesota Zoo today for a little fun. It was a rainy, dreary day, but we didn't let that stop us.

We were joking at how the bear probably thought our kids looked delicious.

The "animal smell" got to little Emma by the end of the she had her own solution. I love Emma!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Falling Hard.

On his way to bed tonight, Porter stopped to look at our wedding photo on the wall. He said, "Was that when you met Daddy, Mama? Right there?" He's been so curious about marriage & couples lately, why some people are married, why some aren't...I told him that Daddy & I met & we fell in love & decided to get married. He said, "Fell in love? Did you hurt yourself?"

Monday, May 17, 2010


I took this photo with this cool new app on my iphone. I love it.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Shades of the future???

Where did this teenager come from?????

Friday, May 14, 2010


On this day of our "daycare vacation," we met our dear friends Darcie, Hailey & Derek at this great little gym near their house south of the river. It was this great gym where the kids could just play & tumble for 2 hours...and all the equipment was scaled down to their size. What a great find!!!

The foam pit was a big hit!!

Hailey on the balance beam...ever so steady.

Porter on the giant trampoline...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The next step...

Today, we went to tour the preschool Porter will go to in the fall. It was such a neat place & I can't wait for him to go there. I just know he is going to love it. At the end of the tour, we asked him if he was excited & he said, "I'm infinity excited!" Stay tuned...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Children's Museum!

Daycare was closed this week, so we met up today with our daycare friends Lilah & Audrey & their mom at the Children's Museum for an afternoon of fun!

The Dinosaur Exhibit let us "dig" for fossils! Equipped with goggles & everything!

There was an area where we got to "make" paper...

Our finished piece of "paper."

Boat racing!

Daddy explaining something to Porter...

Lilah needed a break...

There was this cool "Our Town" area of the museum where you could shop at the "grocery store" or try out different "occupations." Porter was trying out the role of PostMaster. Cool hat!

Porter tried his hand a being the cashier at the grocery store...

I think he liked it.

Audrey did some grocery shopping...

Porter stirred up some soup with the food from the store...

There was a hospital...where Porter tried out the "crunches."

There was a cool stage where you could dance to the music in front of a blue screen & then watch yourself up on the screen.

Porter & Lilah trying out the cool screen...

Dance like no one's watching!!

What a great place! So much to do!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Today was Mother's Day & at the end of the day Porter asked me if there was a "Kids Day."
Umm....isn't that EVERY DAY, my son?????

Scuba gear.

What? Just practicing my underwater skills while in the bath tub....

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Four...going on Fourteen????

Here is Porter talking on the phone to Gammy Jan, in his undies. He talked her ear off for almost half an hour!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Green thumb.

Gammy Jan bought Porter a new watering can & gardening gloves & he came home & immediately wanted to put it to use in the garden at the condo...