Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

First sleep over...sort of.

We had our friends Hailey & Derek over for the evening tonight, while their mom & dad had a date night...We had so much fun! Even though their Mom & Dad picked them up late into the evening, it sort of felt like a sleep over because everyone got their pajamas on & snugged up on the air mattress...even fell asleep!

We had pizza for dinner:

For dessert, it was make-your-own-sundaes:

We did crafts:

...And more crafts:


Hailey & I made butterfly hair clips:

We blew up the air mattress & got cozy with popcorn & a movie to end the night:

Asleep at last...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Peppermint Fence, here we come!

Our big kid started preschool today at Peppermint Fence, (I just love the name) at Central Middle School. He was so excited & hardly had time to say goodbye before he was running into the classroom! He was ready.

Alright, time for school!

This was moments before he walked into the classroom...He was so excited he could hardly stand it.

The aftermath wasn't quite as endearing...First, he didn't want to talk about it AT ALL. Like, at. all. Then it was meltdown after meltdown pretty much until dinner time. Not exactly how I pictured his first day of "school" in my head. Eventually he did give us little snippets of what he did & what he learned. So we're just trying to be patient. We just need to get used to this new schedule & adventure.....& take it as it comes.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fish out of water.

We started swimming lessons today at Foss Swim School...Porter was amazing! He wasn't afraid of the water & was floating by himself after the third try! We can't wait to go back next week.

Getting used to the water...

Learning how to kick...

Getting those arms used to paddling...

I think he was smiling the entire time.

Dude floating on his back!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Como Zoo!

Porter starts preschool next week, so we decided to take advantage of our free day today & head to Como Zoo...

Porter being a flamingo...

This gorilla looked so funny perched up on this little seat.

The new Polar Bear exhibit was finally open...so awesome!

That is one large paw...

Enjoying a little popcorn...

Great day!