Sunday, November 30, 2008

Let me tell ya 'bout my best friend...

Tonight, the three of us were hanging out in the living room, Daddy at his computer & me on the couch. Now I must preface by saying that throughout the day, Porter had been in a particularly loving mood. If I got one kiss on the cheek from him, I got fifty that day.
So this night he came over to sit next to me on the couch & said, "I'm going to go sit by my best friend, called Mommy."
He really did say that! :)

Friday, November 28, 2008

What the???

This is how I found Porter sleeping one night. He was turned sideways in the bed, all sprawled out on his back. It made me laugh out loud, so I just had to capture it.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a very low-key Thanksgiving this year, but it was nice. The three of us headed over the Grumans for dinner. It was a lazy & relaxed day...well, except for Porter who --although he tried in about 4 different spots-- just wouldn't take a nap that day. We paid for it that evening though, when he fell asleep in the van & then make that screamed...the entire way upstairs to our condo. I seriously thought one of the neighbors was going to open their door to see just exactly what we were doing to this poor child to make him scream & cry like that. Holy Hannah.
Anyway, all in all it was a good day & in fact, good weekend. Blair's dad rented us a van at the last minute which was an unexpected surprise. It was great because we were actually able to just run errands & go places together, doing what "normal" families get to do. We even hit the grocery store on Friday evening & it was the most relaxed trip I've had in a while. No wondering how long Porter was going to behave. Porter road with Blair on his chair the entire time & they went all over the store together looking for things on the list, while I did the majority of the list BY MYSELF. It was wonderful!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Leave me alone!

This morning I went in to wake Porter up & after a few minutes of stirring, he finally replied, "I'm not ready."
I went into his room & started rubbing his back to wake him up...
"Mama, leave me alone. I'm still sleeping."
Oh the drama.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Being three.

So I noticed a new trend forming this past weekend...The answer NO in response to every request, no matter how big or how small.
"Come on Porter, we need to get your shoes on, it's time to go to Annie's."
"Porter, let's get our jacket on so we can go to the grocery store."
This morning I got an even better answer on top of that, "You can go without me, Mama."
Oh, little boy you are testing my patience these days!
Is this what turning THREE is going to look like? I keep hearing that THREE is the new TWO...Well, if that's the case, then he is going to be really really good at being three when he finally gets there.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Makes sense to me.

Tonight, Good Friend Tara came over for a visit & we decided to get Mexican takeout for Tara, Porter & I made a run to Pepitos, our favorite little Mexican place in the city. Porter & I dropped Tara off at the restaurant to run in & get the food...We were driving around the block & I told Porter we were going to go back & pick Tara up. He said, "We're going to carry her?"
Makes sense to me!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Setting the table

I've learned that helping with EVERYTHING goes hand-in-hand with being three (or close to being three) & Porter's latest thing is helping me set the table. He gets all the silverware out of the drawer & carefully sets them at each place, reciting outloud who's spoon, fork, etc. it is. "This one is for Daddy..."
He also helps with the salt & pepper, the napkins & any dishes he can carry that are neither too hot or too heavy. He gets the biggest kick out of it.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Keeping it real.

We were sitting down at the table having a nice dinner as a family tonight when Porter suddenly leaned over in his chair & said ever so softly, "Mama, I have to poop a little bit."
Well by all means go ahead, little man. Don't let us stop you!
So...when will this potty training thing happen exactly? :)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My two princes

Tonight at the dinner table, Blair kissed my hand & said "Good dinner, baby." Without skipping a beat, Porter too grabbed my hand, kissed it & said, "Thank you for making dinner Mommy."

Friday, November 14, 2008

"Hey man."

Porter was "making some calls" with a play phone tonight...He put it up to his ear and said, "Hey man" -- then proceeded to have an entire conversation. It was so funny. That's exactly what Blair says when his friends call him on the phone! It's scary how much they absorb. They're always listening...

"This guy!"

This morning when Porter & I were getting his breakfast ready, (because he HAS to help!) he wanted to get one last frozen mini pancake out of the bag & as he did, he said " One more for THIS guy!" & pointed to himself. It made me laugh out loud.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sweetheart of mine.

This morning Porter asked me to help him with something while I was in the middle of drying my hair, so my hair was sort of all over the place. As I was helping him, he suddenly come up to me & said, "Oh Mama, your hair is in your eyes" and then ever so gently brushed it away from my eyes. It just doesn't get much better than that.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The order of things.

Tonight I caught Porter explaining to Gammy Jan the order of things...
"First, you go pee pee on the potty."
"Then, you get M&M's."
"Then you wear underwear!"
Makes sense to me.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

When I'm...FOUR.

So there are many things we've told Porter he has to wait until he's four to do: use a scissors, use a knife & chew gum. Tonight our realtor stopped by with some paperwork for us to sign & he was talking about his daughter. I asked how old she was & he said she was four. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Porter asks "Does she have gum?" He heard the magic number FOUR & just had to know if it was as good as he is hoping it will be.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


We got the spend some time with second cousin Connor this past weekend. Both boys were very shy of course & Porter had some "territorial" issues, but other than that we had a great time.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween...Take 2

So since daycare was closed unexpectedly last Friday on Halloween, Anne let the kids bring their costumes today to wear after naptime. I didn't get there in time to capture Porter & ALL of his friends, but I was able to catch a few.

Here is Porter as Buzz Lightyear along with Lilah as Sleeping Beauty & her little sister Audrey as Cinderella. We're missing little Abby, who was a cow.
Aren't they cute?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Loosing it.

So I TOTALLY lost my patience with Porter tonight. He was being stubborn & refusing to cooperate so we could get his diaper changed & him into the tub. After many attempts at reasoning with no success, I just lost it. I mean I really lost it. So much so, that I really scared Porter as well. I just made this awful face & let out a (quiet) scream. He looked at me with this look of fear on his face & then just immediately started crying. I felt terrible. I hate when I just loose control like that. Ugh. I apologized to him minutes later & tried to explain that I just don't like it when he doesn't listen. He said, "You don't like me?" Argh. As if the guilt wasn't already there...I explained it as best I could. After a few minutes, we made up & all is good in our world again, but...I'm sorry I let the pressure get to me, Little Man.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sweet sweet boy

Daycare was closed on Friday because Anne hurt her back...Today, she was feeling better so we were back on schedule. As we were leaving today, Porter went over to say goodbye & give her "her loves" & after he hugged her, he said "I hope your back is feeling better." Oh, our sweet sweet boy. Porter, I hope you are always this caring & understanding.