Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Loosing it.

So I TOTALLY lost my patience with Porter tonight. He was being stubborn & refusing to cooperate so we could get his diaper changed & him into the tub. After many attempts at reasoning with no success, I just lost it. I mean I really lost it. So much so, that I really scared Porter as well. I just made this awful face & let out a (quiet) scream. He looked at me with this look of fear on his face & then just immediately started crying. I felt terrible. I hate when I just loose control like that. Ugh. I apologized to him minutes later & tried to explain that I just don't like it when he doesn't listen. He said, "You don't like me?" Argh. As if the guilt wasn't already there...I explained it as best I could. After a few minutes, we made up & all is good in our world again, but...I'm sorry I let the pressure get to me, Little Man.

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