Monday, March 30, 2009

Potty tales.

We're back in full throttle potty training once again at our house. Porter has been doing great! He wore underwear to daycare for the first time today & we also had another first...actually more like a #2 (if you get my drift) this evening at home. It's true what they say though...When they're ready, they're READY!!!
One thing that just puts a huge grin on my face though is the fact that for a day or two, Porter was calling his underwear "panties." Much to Blair's dismay! He kept telling Porter, " Buddy, boys wear UNDERWEAR." To which Porter would once again say, "No, they're my panties." Now cut the kid some slack, he is surrounded by several girls at daycare, so if they wear panties, why can't he??? Gotta love it.

Nothing but sweetness.

I was leaving Porter's room after tucking him in for the night when he yelled "Sleep good, Mommy."

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Quote of the day!

Porter was in the bath tonight & had to get out to pee, so we got him out, he did his business & then got back into the warm bath water & said, "This is wonderful!"

Saturday, March 14, 2009

That face.

Bob & Kathy McGee (my Aunt & Uncle)came to visit us today while they were in town. Kathy is Nana's twin sister, so obviously they look a lot alike. Porter's point of view was this...
"Kafy, you have that face, so you look just like Nana."

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Nightly ritual.

Porter & Daddy have this nightly ritual they do every night before bed. It's kind of like a secret handshake...I guess. I'm not even really sure how it all got started & it seems like things keep getting added onto it. Anyway, it goes something like this:

"Fist bump."

"I love you."

"Thank you very much."

"Two dudes!"

Okay...I know it probably doesn't make any sense to anyone other than us, but it is just so darn cute. I love that they have this & I hope they always will!

Somebody's ready for spring!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Special Instructions.

So this is Day 10 of Daddy being back in the hospital after being home for only 24 hours, this time he had to be re-admitted with an obstruction from the surgery. We're very anxious for him to come home, but Porter had very explicit instructions for him on the phone this evening...
"Make sure you don't come home until you're all the way better, OKAY DADDY?"

Swim club.

Lately, bath time has turned into full on swimming lessons! Porter just wants to "swim" to whole time, splashing all over the tub, going from his front to his back, practicing dunking his whole head under the water. So fun!!!


Friday, March 6, 2009


On the way home this evening, I asked Porter if it was okay with him if we stoppe to get the mail on our way up to the condo.
His reply, "No, that takes forever, Honey."

Sweetie Pie.

This morning, I woke up with a migraine, so I told Porter, "I'm not feeling very well, so you're going to have to help me this morning."
Porter said, "Okay, Sweetie."
My sweet, sweet boy.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sometimes you just go with it.

Conversation held in the bath tub while holding his 'business' in his hand...
Porter: "Mama, what is this?"
Me: "That's your penis."
Porter: "Nooo, not the whole thing. What is THIS?" (Pointing to the ring around the tip)
Me: "Well...I'm not sure."
Porter: "Oh I know, Mama, it's a stripe."
Me: "Ummm, yes. We'll call it a stripe."

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Get Well Soon, Daddy!

So...Daddy is back in the hospital again, so tonight Porter & I made a fingerpainted picture for him. I think we've got a Picasso on our hands!


Monday, March 2, 2009


Porter has started giving out compliments lately & it is so cute.
"I like your vest, Bapa." to Bapa Robb.
"Mama, I like your shirt!" to me.
I think it is so cute that he has learned this skill. Best part is, he's totally 100% sincere. May you always be so thoughtful & kind my son.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Odd man out.

My college friend Crowe was in town this weekend, so we met her along with Tara & Karyn for brunch. Crowe & Porter had never met & he was a little unsure of her at first...Hiding behind his menu in hopes that she wouldn't make eye contact!




Paint your Plate.

A few weeks ago Gammy Jan & Bapa Robb took Porter to "Paint your Plate" without Daddy or I knowing. Well today was the big reveal & Porter surprised us with 2 coffee mugs he had painted for us. He did a great job! I can't believe he kept it a secret & didn't tell us about it! After he gave us the mugs he said, "Mama, are you so proud of me that I made those for you?"


Home again.

Daddy has been in the hospital for 6 days following surgery he had & today he finally came back home. Porter was sitting on the couch & he said, "Daddy, I'm sooo happy you're home."
It just doesn't get any better than that.