Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sorry to disappoint.

This morning I went in to wake Porter up for the day & he barely had his eyes open when he WHISPERED "Is it a stay-at-home-day?"
The look of disappointment on his face when I told him "NO" just broke my heart.
I know he loves going to Annie's house, but man does he LOVE his stay-at-home-days...

Monday, April 19, 2010

You have to be pretty TIRED...

...to fall asleep in the cart--sitting up--at Target!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy birthday, Audrey!

Life is an adventure........on some days more than others.
We were invited to celebrate Porter's friend from daycare Audrey's birthday with an afternoon in the park. They live in St. Paul & there is this great park close to their house. There were three different play areas, a huge field where the boys could play football, plenty of picnic tables...it was perfect! The kids had a blast & it was a beautiful spring afternoon, perfect for running off some energy.

Amy made the CUTEST cupcakes, ala Martha Stewart!

The boys...

Porter & William found something hysterical!

Lilah "escaped" the party for a while to pick flowers...

These glasses were the BEST giveaway ever!

Now remember when I said this was the perfect park? Well, is with the exception of one thing....one GIANT thing, turns out. THERE WAS NO BATHROOM IN SIGHT. Now with a four year old boy, not the worst thing in the world. The first time Porter had to go, we simply found a hidden tree area where he did his business. No big thing. Fast forward an hour later when he frantically says to me, "Mama I have to poop!" and starts heading towards the same tree. "No! No! You can't do THAT there!!" I yelp! I didn't know what to do. I said we could leave & go find a nearby gas station, take care of business & then head back. He had no interest in that. I think he thought once we left, we'd never come back. He's was having far too much fun to take that risk, so he said "Oh, just forget it Mama" & headed back to the playground. That lasted about 20.5 seconds, when he came back, BARELY ABLE TO WALK, saying he had to go NOW. We started walking towards our car, not entirely sure what I was going to do...until I remembered that my grandma -- my sweet 91-year old Grandma back in Wisconsin -- had given me a Folgers coffee can the last time we were there at Christmas time that she had actually written "PEEE CAN" on & told me to keep it in my car & that if we were ever on our way back to Wisconsin & Porter had to go & there was no where to stop...VOILA! Well, if Grandma only knew then what was about the unfold with said Folgers can. So there we are, sitting in the HOT car, me holding the can & Porter doing his thing. THANK GOODNESS for that Folgers can is all I can say. At one point, I remember thinking to myself, "How in the world did I get here???????"

Life is an adventure.......Indeed.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ice Cream break!

It was a beauuuuutiful Sunday afternoon, so the three of us decided it was a perfect day to try out the (relatively new) Grand Ole Creamery near us. It did not dissapoint. Nothing beats the taste of homemade ice cream. YUM-O!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

My very own?

Porter had been asking all week if he could go to the library because he loves to play on the computers there. My mom & I took him today & decided to see if we could get him his very first library card. We did & he just thought that was the coolest thing EVER. He got home & put it in his "soft wallet" as he calls it & just kept taking it out & looking at it all weekend. He checked out 3 books that we've been enjoying. I love that he thinks it's a big deal & I hope he will grow into a boy who loves books & loves to read.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Easter morning....Easter eggs & basket FOUND!

Easter 2010 was pretty low-key for us...We had the Grumans over for brunch & then spent the rest of the day together, just the three of us. Daddy was on bed rest trying to heal a wound he's been dealing with, so I spent the better part of the day, trying my best to entertain Porter. We spent a lot of time outside as the weather was BEAUTIFUL playing frisbee. This is a new found love of Porter's & he's actually very good at it.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I love his E's.

I just love how Porter writes his name these days...He knows the letters & what order they go in, but still doesn't quite get that the order DOES IN FACT matter. We'll get there, but in the meantime, his "E's" crack me up with all their lines.

Easter eggs.

Porter & Gammy tried their hand at coloring our Easter eggs this year. Oh what fun they had! I think we had a pretty good batch this year, don't you?????

Friday, April 2, 2010

Do I need a jacket?

Porter & I were talking today about how we found Anne to take care of him when I go to work...I told him that Daddy & I met Anne a few weeks before he was born, when he was still in my belly. For some reason, he wanted to know if we were wearing jackets when we met her & what jackets we were wearing. Then he said, "When I was in your belly, did I wear a jacket?"

Thursday, April 1, 2010


This morning Porter asked me for a glass of juice & I was finishing up something before I got it for him.
While he was waiting, he said..."Mom, I'm using my patience."