Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The library...The lunch.

This morning Porter & I headed to the library on our second day of "daycare vacation" while Daddy was at therapy. Porter loves the computers & puzzles more than the books, but it was still fun. Afterwards, I attempted to take him out to lunch--just the two of us--before we had planned to meet up with Daddy again after therapy. I had this grande plan in my head that we would share a fun lunch together, thinking maybe, just maybe he was old enough now that we could have a nice relaxing lunch together. I was wrong. The minute we sat down, he had to go to the bathroom. Then, he complained about not liking his sandwich. Then he was done & ready to go when I still had half of my scrumptious Panera sandwich left to savor. Not exactly what I envisioned. Ah well, maybe in another year? Maybe?

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