Friday, May 8, 2009

Play date!

So...daycare was closed today, so Porter & I made plans to meet my friend Amy & her two boys at the park for a play date. We met at Lake Calhoun & found the perfect little park that was just the right size for our little guys. Porter & Ollie are only 3 months apart, so they had a ball.

It was so much fun being right there on the lake. We even saw real live ducks come waddling past...

One minor side note that I can't seem to get out of my head...We were at the park only minutes when Porter said he had to go to the bathroom. I looked around & to my horror, this was our only option:

Without going into too much horrific detail, it was by far the most disgusting bathroom experience I've had with the potty-trained-Porter to date. Oh, and not only did he have to go once, he had to go we got to enjoy the porta-potty experience two times. Ahhhh, Motherhood.

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