Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

What a wonderful Christmas Day we had! The entire Gruman clan joined us right away in the morning & Kendra once again treated us to her yummy monkey bread before the present opening began. Porter was the star of the show once again:

Someone got a guitar for Christmas. Umm...yeah.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve 2010. Nana & Papa, along with Auntie Jessika & Uncle Jeff joined us this year. We started a new tradition this year, with Blair & Papa making beef stew for our dinner that evening.

They got busy right away that morning...

The stew simmered all day, filling the condo with a rich aroma...

Porter, Nana & I decorated a GIANT gingerbread man while we waited for Auntie Jessika & Juncle Jeff to arrive...& the stew to be done.

Auntie Jessika & Uncle Jeff arrived just in time for dinner & we all enjoyed the delicious beef stew. Will the tradition continue??

After dinner, Auntie Jessika & Porter decorated cookies for Santa...

All ready for you, Mr. Claus...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Peppermint Fence Gingerbread Houses

I went & volunteered at Porter's preschool class today & helped them make their gingerbread houses. It was so fun!

Someone was a little excited that I was there:

Porter got to wear the birthday crown since it was the last day of class before his birthday. Super exciting...

Circle time:

The other project they worked on after they finished their gingerbread houses, was to make gingerbread men cut out of paper & decorated with colored shaving cream:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Five Year Check-up

Porter had his five year check-up today...He had to endure 3 shots, which I failed to warn him about ahead of time. Big mistake. He cried & cried in anticipation. I felt so bad. Turns out, the anticipation was far worse than the actual shots themselves & he took it like the big boy that he is.
He weighed in at 40.5 pounds (50th percentile) & was 43.5" tall (64th percentile).

What happened to the 7 pound, 7 ounce baby boy we had five years ago?

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Birthday party day! ... Take 2.

We redid Porter's birthday party at Adventure Peak today! The snow stopped, the plows did their part & most of our guests were able to make it today. Everyone had a great time. Our day in pictures: