Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve 2010. Nana & Papa, along with Auntie Jessika & Uncle Jeff joined us this year. We started a new tradition this year, with Blair & Papa making beef stew for our dinner that evening.

They got busy right away that morning...

The stew simmered all day, filling the condo with a rich aroma...

Porter, Nana & I decorated a GIANT gingerbread man while we waited for Auntie Jessika & Juncle Jeff to arrive...& the stew to be done.

Auntie Jessika & Uncle Jeff arrived just in time for dinner & we all enjoyed the delicious beef stew. Will the tradition continue??

After dinner, Auntie Jessika & Porter decorated cookies for Santa...

All ready for you, Mr. Claus...

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