Saturday, December 11, 2010

Birthday party day! ... or maybe not.

Today was Porter's birthday party day! Hurray!

Lots & Lots.
of SNOW.
To the tune of 16 inches in a 20-hour span. They were calling it Snow-mageddon or was INSANE.
We got several calls asking if the party was still on & we just kept saying OH YEAH, YEAH, NOTHING WILL STOP US. We'll just leave early & go slow.
I left to go pick up the cake & saw with my own eyes how HORRIFIC it was out there. I saw cars stuck on side streets, buses stuck on main streets, semi trucks that couldn't make their turns. By the time I got back home, I was thinking we should cancel. THANKFULLY Blair had the same idea & had already broached the subject with Porter.
He was soooo understanding. I truly was never more proud of him. He just accepted it & moved on. We quickly called all our guests & said we were calling it. About an hour later, the park called & said they were closing for the day & cancelling all parties scheduled for the remainder of the day.
The forecasts were calling for the snow to stop that evening & a clear Sunday, so we decided to try to reschedule the party for the next day. Banking on the fact that the plows would be out in full force the next day & everyone could dig out, we went for it.

Since we were snowed in for the day, we did let Porter open some of his birthday gifts this day...

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