Sunday, July 5, 2009

Bye-bye Nuk. He-l-l-lo bike!

As embarassed as I am to admit this, Porter has still been using a nuk at night to sleep. Yes, we are aware that he is three & a half! We've been debating for a long time what the best approach was...Should the Nuk Fairy come? Should he use the nuks to "buy" something he really wanted? Finally we decided on the obvious choice: Bribery.
He has been wanting a big boy bike for a few months now & talks about it. A lot.
So we kept telling him he had to successfully do "six sleeps" without using his nuk & we would go get a big boy bike. I knew we were going to have a van this weekend & thought how great it would be it we could all go together as a family to pick out the bike. So Monday night, we started. We joked that it truly was like he was going through nicotine-withdrawal the first two nights. He would ask about his nuk before bed & as soon as he got up in the morning. So...he did it; he made it; he finally earned his big boy bike.

So today, off to the bike store we went.
First bike we spotted in the store...Had to try it out!

He had to be measured for the right size...

Finally, Spiderman bike it was! Oh what fun! He was so excited he didn't stop talking the entire way home.

He did it...He went his six sleeps without using it, though I have to admit getting him to settle down & go to sleep was a challenge & as I type this, remains that way. I hope it will only get easier. God I hope.

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