Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I wanna hold your hand.

Usually these days when we leave for daycare/work, Porter is all about doing everything himself, from putting on his shoes & jacket, to walking down the hallway at the condo to the elevator & pushing the buttons by himself. Well, today was different. For some reason as we were walking down the hallway, he grabbed my hand. He was also carrying 2 teddy bears ("friends") that he had decided were also going to make the trip, but he continued to hold my hand the whole way down to the garage & car. He'd stop along the way to push a button or open a door & would let go, but then would go to grab my hand again afterwards. It was so sweet. It was one of those moments, when I tell myself, "remember this one." In a few years, things will be very different, and there will come a day when he is embarassed to hold my hand.

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