Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mama guilt.

This morning I had to take Porter to the doctor to get his flu shot. The appointment was at 9:45am, so I dropped him off at Anne's, went to work to get a few things done & then came back a while later to pick him up & head to the doctor. I didn't really want to tell him where we were going & especially WHAT we were going there for, as the doctor has not really been his favorite place as of I didn't tell him anything. I showed up at Anne's to pick him up & he was sooo suprised & sooo happy to see me show up in the middle of the morning. He came running to me, saying "My Mama's here!" He eagarly put on his jacket & asked me where we were going...Not really thinking, I said "We're just going on a little trip & then we'll come back to Anne's in a little while." It didn't dawn on me until we got to the car what "trip" meant in his mind & soon the questions started...He said, "Mama, are we going on a train?" We drove by a McDonald's & he asked "Are we going to Old McDonald's?" Pretty soon it was "Are we going on an airplane?" Oh, the guilt was setting in...Here he thought I came to pick him up as a surprise to go on a little adventure, when in fact I was taking him to the DOCTOR. TO GET A SHOT. Oh, what was I thinking???
When we got to the clinic, he recognized it right away & said, "We're going to the Doctor? Is she going to look at my ears?" I told him no, she wasn't going to look at his ears, but just check him out & maybe look at his legs. (Yeah, right before they STICK HIS LITTLE LEGS WITH A NEEDLE!) I felt like it was too late now to tell him why we were really there. Turns out, the shot was over & done with before he could even blink an eye & although he screamed a little, he never really cried & was completely fine afterwards. Still, the mama guilt is there. I had dupped him. I should have just told him where we were going & why right from the start. He probably would have been fine with it. I learned a lesson today.
I'm lucky he's still talking to me after all that.

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