Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat

We took Porter out trick-or-treating for the first time tonight. He was Buzz Lightyear from the Toy Story movies & he couldn't have been more excited. We had such a blast! We just went around our neighborhood & I have to tell you I was pleasantly surprised. There were so many inviting houses with nice, friendly people...something I just wasn't expecting. It was a beautiful night, which made it so much more enjoyable. There were kids & families everywhere! Porter was a bit apprehensive at first & got scared a few times by some of the hard-core decorations & some of the masks a few kids were wearing, but after a while, he really got the hang of it. We'd go up to a house & he'd say "Trick or treat!" right on que & afterwards "Thank you" as we were walking away. He even got so comfortable to one time say, "Can my mom have a piece?" A few times, "Trick or treat!" was replaced with "Do you have any candy?" which made us all laugh. All in all, it was a great night out.

This was the most popular house on the block! Cars kept driving up to drop their kids off, people were taking pictures, it was crazy!

After a while, Buzz Lightyear was tired & needed a ride from Dad...

What a haul he made!!!

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